
Showing posts from January, 2022
  31-01-2022 monday First session was taken by Benedict sir. Sir gave some instructions about School intention Program, Observation for Sample classes, lesson plan preparation, Micro teaching etc. Then sir taught us about phases of teaching. Sir introduced a new book " Principles & Practices of Education " by J S Farrant to read. Second hour we had optional class. Sreeja Shared the thought for the day.  " เดจാം เดšെเดฏ്เดฏുเดจ്เดจ เดจเดจ്เดฎเด•เดณൊเดจ്เดจും เดจാം เด…เดฒ്เดฒ เดšെเดฏ്เดฏുเดจ്เดจเดค്. เดจเดฎ്เดฎുเดŸെ เด‰เดณ്เดณിเดฒുเดณ്เดณ เดฆൈเดตเดฎാเดฃ് ." Jeena Presented her Seminar about " Bhaskaracharya " the great Indian Mathematician . Then teacher taught us about "BLOOM'S REVISED TAXONOMY". Next session was taken by Ancy Ma'am. Ma'am taught us about " Adolescence period " and Physical , Social, Emotional , Intellectual developments related to this period. And also the " Role of teachers in the development of a child".
  28-01-2022 Friday First session was taken by Joju Sir. Sir taught us about" Audio - Visual aids". Next class was taken by Ancy Ma'am. Ma'am taught us about the Physical, Social, Emotional ,Language , and intellectual developments in Early childhood and Later childhood. And also "Role of Parents and teachers". Later we had optional class. Sr. Deepa shared the thought for the day. "เด•เดฏ്เดชുเดณ്เดณเดคാเดฏി เดคോเดจ്เดจുเดจ്เดจ เดšിเดฒ เด•ാเดฐ്เดฏเด™്เด™เตพ เดชിเดจ്เดจീเดŸ് เดจเดฎ്เดฎുเดŸെ เดœീเดตിเดคเดค്เดคിเตฝ เดฎเดงുเดฐเดฎുเดณเดณเดคാเดฏി เดคീเดฐും. เดคിเดฐിเดš്เดšเดฑിเดฏാเตป เด•ുเดฑเดš്เดšു เดธเดฎเดฏเดฎെเดŸുเด•്เด•ുo". Congrats ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘ Then Ponnu V Nair Presented her seminar about the great Mathematician C F Gauss. It was a nice Presentation. Congrats ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘ Deepthi Ma'am taught us about the Instructional objectives of NCERT ".
  27-01-2022 Thursday   Again back to online classes.. ..๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚ First session we had optional class. Sona Shared the thought for the day.  " เด’เดฐാเตพเด•്เด•് เดŽเดค്เดฐ เดฎാเดค്เดฐം เด…เดฑിเดตുเดฃ്เดŸ് เดŽเดจ്เดจเดคเดฒ്เดฒ เดช്เดฐเดงാเดจ เด•ാเดฐ്เดฏം. เดฎเดฑിเดš്เดš്, เด† เด…เดฑിเดต് เดช്เดฐเด•เดŸിเดช്เดชിเด•്เด•ാเตป เดฎാเดค്เดฐം เดŽเดณിเดฎ เด…เดฏാเตพเด•്เด•ുเดฃ്เดŸോ เดŽเดจ്เดจเดคാเดฃ് " . Then I am presented the Seminar about the mathematician Rene Descartes . Second class was taken by Gibi ma'am. Ma'am taught us about the Schools of Psychology.   Structuralism  Functionalism  Psycho Analytic School Later Maya ma'am taught us about" Idealism : Methods of teaching". It includes the method of teaching, Eastern Idealism, Role of teacher, contributions / implications ,Limitations / demerits.
  25-01-2022 Tuesday First class taken by Maya ma'am. Ma'am taught us about the continuation of last class "Idealism  " Time for entertainment ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ Later we had optional class. Shalu Shared the thought for the day with a small story. เดจเดฎ്เดฎുเดŸെ เดœീเดตിเดคเดค്เดคിเดจ് เด‰เดชเด•ാเดฐเดช്เดชെเดŸുเดจ്เดจเดตเดฏെ เดฎാเดค്เดฐം เด•ൂเดŸെเด•്เด•ൂเดŸ്เดŸുเด•. เดจเดฎ്เดฎെ เดจเดถിเดช്เดชിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ, เดคเด•เตผเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เดฌเดจ്เดงเด™്เด™เดณെ , เดตเดธ്เดคുเด•്เด•เดณെ เด’เดดിเดตാเด•്เด•ുเด•. Our Seminar Presentation started today . Suji Presented the Seminar on the topic "Pythagoras " . It was a very nice Presentation. Congratulations ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿฅฐ After that Deepthi teacher taught us about the "Psychomotor domain" Taxonomy of Educatonal objectives. Afternoon session was taken by Joju sir. Sir shared Some Important points about the "Effectiveness indicators of communication". ie, .     Being pleasant, variety, reinforcement, eye contact, maintain energy level, Create a positive environment, stimulous variation, Rhythem, sound modulation etc. After the class Maya Teache...
  24-01-2022 Monday After a Short break we came back to our College.๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ  After the prayer in the chapel we went to general class. Today's classes were divided into 2 batches in the special case of the corona. In the case of Corona, everyone was careful to maintain a social distance. First session was taken by Ancy Ma'am. Teacher asked questions from the pevious class. Then ma'am taught us about the early childhood and the physical and social developmet related to this period. Later we had optional class. Ponnu Shared the thought for the day. Then Ma'am taught us about Taxonomy of educational objectives handbook 2 -affective domain by D.R Krathwhol . Afternoon, first session was taken by Joju Sir. Before enter to the class sir shared an important thoughts about media. After that sir taught us about " how to make a class effectively ".  After that George Sir came to class and told us to take our height & weight to prepare the Health chart.
 21-01-2022 Friday After a long time George Sir took the class today. Sir taught us that how to make a health chart. Second session was taken by Deepthy Ma'am. Teacher taught us about the continuation of "BLOOMS TAXONOMY". Jeena shared the thought for the day about a Buddha story. Sreeja and Stijo presented their assignments about the "correlation of Mathematics with other Subjects". Later principal Benedict sir gave us some instructions and asked about our study. Sir taught us about the "different phases of teaching".   
  20 - 01 - 2022 Thursday First session was taken by Maya Ma'am. Teacher taught us about " Schools of Philosophy - Idealism, Naturalism, Realism, and Pragmatism." It was an interesting class for me.  Later Gibi Ma'am took the class. Ma'am taught us about the continuation of Scope of Theology . Ma'am Emplained the terms " Learning Process" and " Learning methods" .       " Anything can be taught at any level, if we are providing learning experience"  _  Gagne    " Don't think about what lost, always think about what next" . After that we had optional class. Teacher taught us about "BLOOMS TAXONAMY". Some students Presented their assignment on the topic  " Correlation of Mathematics with life, different branches of Subject". 
  19 - 01 - 2022  wednesday our first class was taken by Revathy Ma'am. Teacher taught us about Podcast, M -learning, web based learning . Ma'am took the class very effectively. After the class Joju Sir appreciated ma'am for her active class. Next class was taken by Shabana ma'am. Ma'am taught us about National integration. Maya teacher also added some points with that. Sathyalekha ma'am taught us the remaining points of Erickson's Psycho social development .
  17-01-2022 Monday Today First class was taken by Maya ma'am. Ma'am taught us a new chapter about " Philosophical base of Knowledge and Curriculum ."  Next session was taken by Revathy teacher. Teacher taught us about "computer simulatios, blended learning, Flipped classroom "etc.
  12-01-2022 Wednesday Assembly day Today's assembly was conducted by Natural Science optional. It was very systematic and powerful one. Started with the college anthem, then Prayer song, Pledge, importance of the week, Importance of the day, ie., Birthday of Swami Vivekanandan celebrated as National Youth day , thought for the day , News reading, Logo release , book contribution etc. Logo - HORUS Gibi ma'am gave us a short, Powerful, and thoughtful message - "Wake up and fly like a phoenix from the ash-covered life crisis. " Shabana teacher taught us about " Role of Society in education " . Teacher told us that to write more points about this. After the discussion few students shared their views. Dona teacher taught us about "intelligence test" .
11-01-2022 Tuesday Today's class handled by M.Ed Student teachers. Dona teacher taught us about Guilford theory. Revathy teacher taught us on the topic CMC - Computer mediated communication. Sathyalekha teacher taught us about the barriers of classroom communication.
  10-01-2022  Monday  First hour we had optional class. We watched a video for video lesson planning as suggested by the teacher. Session was Coordinated by Aparna. Ponnu, Anjana, Jeena and Sruthi explained its introduction, presentation, review, advantage and disadvantage. Next session was taken by Sathylekha teacher. Teacher taught us about the topic on "classroom as a communication System ". In the afternoon session Sreelekshmi teacher taught us about "Group factor theory" .Amy sang a beautiful song to change the boredom. 2 people shared about the situation where they had to take B.Ed.
07-01-2022 Friday After the Prayer in the chapel we had optional class. Aparna shared the thought for the day. Jisha Presented the assignment on the topic " Growth of Mathematics " and sonu presented the topic about " Structure of Maths " . Art & Theatre class It was an interesting Session for me. It gave me a feel of childhood days .We ran , jumped , lie down, played 4 games. It was a moment of happiness , Joy .๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’ƒ Afternoon session was taken by M.Ed teachers. Their classes were very interesting, Active. They taught us " Spearman's Two-Factor theorem", "child centered education ", and "Secularism " . Water and nourish
06-01-2022 Thursday yoga - The way of life. optional class Anju Shared the thought for the day " เดจเดฎുเด•്เด•ുเดณ്เดณเดคുเด•ൊเดฃ്เดŸ് เดฎเดฑ്เดฑുเดณ്เดณเดตเตผเด•്เด•് เดจเดจ്เดฎ เดšെเดฏ്เดฏുเด•".  Arya shared the reflection about the Novel" เด’เดฐു เดฆേเดถเดค്เดคിเดจ്เดฑെ เด•เดฅ" by S. K Pottakkadu. Shalu Presented her assignment on "the growth of mathematics".  Congratulations dears๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽŠ classes by M.Ed Student teachers Today's classes were active, energetic, inspiring.๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ
  04 - 01 - 2022 Tuesday First session was taken by Maya ma'am. Today teacher taught about the Paradigm shift : a change from one way of thinking to another. The teacher told it as an example of the life of a butterfly.       Four M.Ed Students from Govt. Training college Thycaud came here for their internship program. our principal Benedict sir welcomed their and they introduced themselves. After that Gibi Ma'am took the class about scope of Educational Psychology. In Optional class    Anjana shared the thought for the day.Anjana said that we should not be sad about the problems in life but should be able to rejoice in the many good things we have got in life. Aparna Shared the reflection about the novel "เด†เดฒാเดนเดฏുเดŸെ เดชെเตบเดฎเด•്เด•เตพ" by Sara Joseph. Arya and Naveena Presented their assignment on the topic " Meaning and definition of maths" and intuition & reasoning " . In the afternoon Ancy Ma'am taught us about the "Heredity and Environment...